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Adventure Therapy Latvia Sigulda events

  • AT, Events

Adventure Therapy Sigulda was an amazing group of events, that happened this autumn in Sigulda. In it, those interested had the opportunity to participate in Adventure Therapy Latvia masterclasses, programmes and the Latvia`s first ever conference about adventure and nature therapy. The recording of the conference can be viewed here

We are really happy about the great interest of people – on the day of the event, around 180 participants watched the conference in person and online, and several hundred more interested people watched the recording during the next week. We, as the Adventure Therapy Latvia team, would like to thank not only everyone involved in the creation of the project, but also everyone who found the opportunity and time to attend master classes, sharing of experience and educational lectures in the workshops.

Adventure Therapy Sigulda was organized by Adventure Therapy Latvia in collaboration with The Development Agency of Sigulda and Latvian health tourism cluster. Thanks to the support of the Latvian health tourism cluster and the municipality of Sigulda district, participation in the conference was free of charge for everyone interested.

The project is supported by the World and European adventure therapy organizations IATIC un ATE. The project is implemented and co-financed by ERDF project “Latvian health tourism cluster” within the project No.